Are you tired of over juggling?

I think it is safe and fair to say that we are going to juggle many tasks and priorities at some point in our lives. We are always going to have multiple demands that we have to figure out how to meet and we are always going to have responsibilities that we can’t shirk (well…we could but there would be consequences!).

What are you guilty of over juggling? I used to be big time guilty of this. It is a feeling that everything is up in the air, there is no way you can possibly do everything; and you don't even know what all you have going on right now - you can't even take the time to write down a list because you feel like if you take that time you're going to miss the opportunity to do something! The never-ending hamster wheel! Not only is this extremely nerve-wracking and stressful, it is so unhealthy for us. It gets us in this mindset that we must do it all. But then when we do accomplish it all, we have proven that we can do it all, and then others expect us to do even more! I used wonder how come I could not get everything done. Then I realized I have more to do than one person can possibly accomplish!

Back then, I did not delegate enough. I was very (I don't know if they would agree!) conscientious about all the work that my team had to do that I did not want to have to be giving them even more. I used to also think that it was not their fault I was stuck in meetings all day long! Yet, there were tasks that I could have asked them to do. Delegating to them would have freed me up to some other important things so I did not feel like I was always dropping the ball.

Taking time out for myself was once an area I struggled. Slowing down, stretching, and taking a walk. Or, taking time for lunch away from my desk. When we push through and do not take a break, we become less effective at getting our work done.  A break can clear our heads, relax us, motivate us, and help us focus more. We can be even more productive if we work for 20-30 minutes; take a 10-minute break; and work for 20-30 minutes, and so on.  This can be an effective way to have time for focus and provide us with those needed breaks to clear our heads and stretch our body.

Sleep is another big area of importance.  Burning the midnight oil and staying up late does not really help us out for the next day.  We will be sluggish, our thinking will be dulled, our reaction time slower.  We will be hopped up on caffeine and then crash.  It is an easy routine to get into, but it does not help us out in the long run. Can you design a bedtime ritual to help you get the sleep you need?

Outsourcing can be very beneficial.  Not everyone is able to do this – especially during these difficult times we are currently facing. For example, if you are able to have someone do your grocery shopping for you, or your cleaning, you will save yourself a lot of time that you can focus your energy on other areas of importance. 

Lastly is asking for help. This can be so difficult for many of us. Asking for help does not mean we are less than or that we are not capable. It means we are reaching out to someone for their assistance, their guidance, or to learn a different way of doing something. It does take a village.  We do not need to do everything ourselves. If this is new to you, you might feel uncomfortable at first. That is okay. Find a safe person you feel comfortable with to reach out to and ask for help.

We do not have to always do the overwhelming juggle. As long we have responsibilities, we will have to juggle. But, there are times when it is okay to delegate. When it is okay to say no. When it is okay to ask for help.

If this is an area you would like to improve, let’s connect.  You can schedule a complimentary discovery call with me to discuss further.