Stepping Into Our Own Power

Can you believe it is July?! 🎇 This crazy rollercoaster year of ours is 1/2 way done.

You may have heard about my FREEBIE - 5 Strategies to Managing Negative Thoughts. I am working on a training series of “Stepping Into Our Own Power”. This series is to work with women leaders to dispel the messaging we’ve been taught, increase our self confidence, and stop the self sabotage so that we can be the kickass leaders that we are meant to be! The 5 Strategies for Managing Negative Thoughts is the first in this series. Each module will have a workbook and a video.

I made this video to share more about Stepping Into Your Power.

To receive your free download of 5 Strategies to Managing Negative Thoughts, click here.

To set up a complimentary discovery call on how we can work together, click here for my online calendar.

I wish you a safe and happy 4th of July!
