You are of value because you are you!

Today, I want to discuss the topic of worth and value.  When we doubt or question our worth, or attach our worth to an extrinsic goal, we find that our relationships, our goals, and our feelings of success are hindered.

Have you ever told yourself “when I lose (insert number here) pounds, I will like myself better”? 

Or maybe, once I have “X” amount in my bank account then I will have success?

Or possibly, once I am part of a couple, I will be happy?

I think it’s safe to say most of us have had, if not these exact experiences, then similar ones.  Some of us may still be struggling with the “I’m not enough” or “I am not of value” until ... fill in the blank.

This can be a dangerous mind game for us to play - and the one who loses this game is, well, us.

If we are constantly chasing our “only if”; if we build our happiness, success, value, worth around an extrinsic goal, then we will never feel we are of worth and value.  Or if we catch a glimpse of feeling we are, it quickly passes when we receive critical feedback, look in the mirror, check our bank balance, or recognize we really aren’t happy whatever our relationship status may be.

Feeling worthy and feeling of value come from inside - inside of us.  It is possible to do so.  It requires acknowledging where this messaging comes from, what it means to us and why it is we hold onto it, as well as making the changes so we believe in ourselves.

We can definitely choose not to make the changes.   If that is our choice, then we potentially limit ourselves in our relationships, in our career advancement and/or success, and spend many years hating our bodies.  Sounds exhausting doesn’t it? Yet, many of us continue to live this way.

Did you know that when we consistently read positive affirmations, we rewire our brain pathways? How cool is that! We change the way we think and view ourselves.  One way to work on increasing the beliefs around our self worth and value are to write out positive affirmations that resonate with us (“I am worthy as I am”, “I am continuing to learn and grow”, “my body allows me to move freely”, “I am of value”, etc) and read them daily.  I have read that it takes 21 days to make a behavior a habit and 90 days to make it part of your daily routine.  Give it a try! I’d love to hear how it works for you.

If you would like to learn other steps to take, and if you would like to make the choice to change and learn that you are of worth and value, I invite you to schedule a discovery call where we can discuss the steps to making this happen.  If so, here is the link to my online calendar.

You are worthy. You are of value. Isn’t it time you believed so, too?

Keep taking care of you!