Finding You...

People change. We change. You change. You outgrow someone. You go your separate ways. You realize they were toxic for you. They left. You leave. Sometimes you discuss it. Other times it happens slowly over time or quickly like a band-aid being torn off.

It hurts. You heal.

Don’t look back or spend your energy wishing you could do it over. Instead, focus on the gifts received and lessons learned. Allow yourself to move forward so that you can be ready for what is waiting for you.

This applies to friendships, family, romantic relationships, and even work environments. Joseph Campbell’s quote is one of my all time favorites and speaks to this:

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us”

You may have lost someone and I hope in the process and over time, you found you.

Is letting go and moving forward an area you struggle with? Feeling stuck and keeping yourself living in the past? If so, I invite you to connect with me here.

Here’s to you!

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