Let’s Begin Planning for 2021!

I like this time of year because I love to plan for the New Year! I love a new planner and markers; thinking of what my goals are for the upcoming year; and where I'm going to be a year from now.

As part of my planning for the New Year, one of the things that I like to do is plan a word of the year. I began doing so about 4 or 5 years ago and find that it helps with my focus and is fun.

I pick a word that represents an area I want to focus on for the year that will help me both in my business and my personal life - that which we focus on becomes powerful. Now, before you shrug this off as being too woo, it is backed by the science of neuroplasticity. What this means is that our experiences changes our brain.

Back to picking a word. Once I pick a word, I do something to aide in my continuing to be focused on it. One year I purchased a necklace with my chosen word on it. Another year, I ordered an anklet from Etsy with my word on it and a third year, I got a small tattoo.

My word for 2020 was very different - I ended up having the entire year remind me! At the beginning of last December, I chose “surrender” as my word for 2020. I did so for a couple of reasons - I am a recovering perfectionist and like to know the details. Choosing the word “surrender” was a good way to remind me to let go and that I don’t need to always focus on perfection or knowing the details. I also thought it would be a good way to focus on the new decade as we had expected 2020 to be a great year!

I don’t know if I chose “surrender” or it chose me, but 2020 has been all about surrendering! I had to laugh as I was reading over my journal from last year. In mid-December, I was already feeling the impact of surrendering by some things going on in my life that were totally out of my control. And then 2020 actually arrived and so did the pandemic. It has definitely been a year of letting go and adapting. “Surrender” ended up being the “perfect” word for me.

I do not yet know what my word for 2021 will be. I have a few words I am thinking about. I plan to have it narrowed down in a week or so.

Is this something you will add to your New Year planning? It is a fun way to work towards change. I would love to hear what word you choose for 2021. Leave a comment below or send me an email and let me know!

Take care of you,

Work With Me!

I have 2 ways you can work with me

Beginning in January, I will be offering a 6-month virtual coaching program - 2021: The Year To Step Into Your Own Power. To learn more, here are the details


Are you ready for the transformation of stepping into your own power? To increase your self confidence, improve your leadership skills, and stop self sabotage? To break free from the messages you have received on how you are supposed to act, look, think? If so, I invite you to schedule a call so we can discuss how you can step into your own power through individual coaching. I currently offer individual 3-month and 6-month coaching packages. Here is the link to my online calendar. Let’s connect and begin your transformation!

Free Resources

Are your thoughts getting in your way of believing in yourself and moving forward? As a women’s leadership and empowerment coach, I work with women to manage and change those thoughts that limit us. I have put together a workbook with tips of 5 things you can do to quiet the negative thoughts and like yourself more! To receive your free download, click here

Are you a mom of school-aged children? I have heard from many moms that stress is higher this year as they are dealing with school. Some moms have also shared with me that their mom guilt intensified as they were trying to figure out managing school during a pandemic. I have put together “Mom Guilt Intensified!” with 7 tips to help moms dealing with school. To get your free download, click here.