Have You Done Your Year In Review/Planning For Next Year Yet?


I’ve spoken with some who have wondered why even bother completing a year in review since there were so many pivots in 2020. While the year I envisioned for 2020 is nowhere near the year I experienced, I still find conducting a year in review to be advantageous.


Winter decided to arrive in Chicagoland last night/this morning. We got 3.6” of icy, heavy snow by me. In between going outside to chip away at the ice at the end of my driveway (thank you snowplows!) I am spending time today reviewing my year and planning for 2021. I do have to admit, I do not have as much pomp and circumstance as I did last year - once bitten, now a little shy! 😉


Besides reviewing growth charts and finances, I also like to look at fun personal growth. I do so by the following:


Word Of The Year

Do you choose a word of the year? I have been doing so the last 4 years or so. I find it to be a helpful reminder of what I want to focus on. 


Little did I know last December when I chose the word “surrender” how much I would be practicing it! I have done a lot of surrendering, giving up control, letting go, trusting all will work out the best for me, and pivoting this year (as I am sure you have as well)!


I could not decide on just one word for 2021 so I am choosing two - abundance and fearless.


I choose “Abundance” for an abundant life, abundance of opportunities, quality time with friends and loved ones, growing my business, clients, positive experiences, love, healthy living, and finances. I am all about welcoming in the goodness this coming year!


I also choose “Fearless”. I have realized this year that I have been living behind fear and thus, not fully living. Hiding behind “what if’s”, or “what about‘s” have kept me safe but have also kept me playing small. Of course I want to stay out of harm’s way, but for 2021 I will be checking in to assess if the fear I am feeling is really about safety or more about uncertainty of how something will go. I plan on saying a lot more “yeses” this year than “no’s” - which also means I will be spending a lot of time out of my comfort zone. It’s all about growth!


Reading List

This year I committed to reading 50 books. With all the reading I have been doing, I am surprised that I still have 2 books left to read! I will get to 50 by tomorrow night!


I love books and have always loved reading. However, I am a binge reader. Once I get lost in a book, I do not like to stop reading until I am done with the book! A pattern I became more aware of this year is that I indulge and binge read but then I am tired (because I stayed up too late) and behind in my work productivity (because I spent too much time reading). I am going to see if I can practice reading one or two chapters a night instead of the whole book - we’ll see how that goes! 


For 2021, I am committing to reading 60 books. 📚 


100 Things I Dream Of Doing

Each year I like to randomly write out 100 things I would like to do. I do this filter-free meaning if something pops into my head, I jot it down. I do not think (overthink 🤔) about the practicality or reality of it actually happening. I then review my list each quarter and at the end of the year. I enjoy ✔️ off things I end up doing. I have been surprised in years past (not 2020 though!) at how many of the things on my list I have actually done for that year. 


As I read through my list for 2020, I did laugh as I noticed a theme - travel. I had written down

•travel monthly

•weekend trip to Minneapolis 

•visit London 

•go to Hawaii


•go to Ireland

•visit my son

•etc, etc, etc


Needless to say, I didn’t complete any of my travel dreams. The only place I went to was Milwaukee (1-1/2 hours from me) and that was before the pandemic hit us! 


I plan on writing up my 2021 dream list tonight. I look forward to what pops up!


A Year In Gratitude

Another fun exercise I like to do is free write what I am grateful for from the current year. I think with this year being one of ups and downs, uncertainties, and fears, that it is an important exercise to do. It’s a good reminder than even in times of uncertainty and unrest (& a pandemic!) that good things do happen as well. It helps me to put things in perspective and remember to look for the silver lining of a situation.


I hope you have found some of these year end and planning for next year activities to be of interest for yourself! If you decide to do any of them, reach out to me as I would love to hear what you chose!


Before I head back outside to chip away again at the ice, I wanted to remind you that this has been a year like no other. None of us have ever experienced a pandemic like this before. If you didn’t meet your goals for 2020, please exercise self compassion and forgiveness. You have done the best you could. Celebrate that which you have accomplished! 🎉


Wishing you a Happy New Year!