Each for Equal & Ourselves - Happy Women's Day!

Today is International Women’s Day.  This year’s theme is “Each for Equal” – an equal world is an enabled world.  When women have the same opportunities as men, we have a chance to explore options and excel.  Advocating for women does not mean less than for men.

I believe in women.  I believe in women when they don’t believe in themselves.  My passion and mission is to work with women to accomplish their goals and make their dreams into reality.  Many women struggle with a negative internal dialog, negative generational messaging on how women should behave, imposter syndrome, and societal pressures. It’s no wonder we feel blocked when trying to make changes and move forward in our lives.

*Have you ever had big dreams and felt you had very little support from others, but you knew you were meant for something else?

*Have you had a significant other that said they would be supportive of you as you worked towards achieving your big dreams but instead continually set up obstacle upon obstacle trying to get you to fail?

*Have you had people not believe in you, but you had some little glimmer, a little sliver of belief in yourself and you kept going?

*Have you worked in management and took on so many tasks, projects. and committees so the bigwigs could see that you were competent but the only thing you kept getting assigned were more tasks, projects and committees while those who did very little got the accolades and promotions?

*Have you been told either by society or those around you that you needed to look a certain way or fit a certain mold in order to be worthy or to be successful?

If any of these or variations fit for you, do know that you are not alone. I, too, have had similar experiences.  You are not alone.  Things do not need to stay the same.  Things can change.  I view myself and others as a continuous work in progress. The day I stop learning, growing and improving who I am is the day that I stop breathing and living.

Would you like to find a way to take care of you and those you are responsible for as well as find a way to succeed in those big dreams of yours?

Would you like to believe more in yourself and stop playing it safe?

Would you like to stop feeling chaotic, find time for you, and not feel you need to discard your hopes and dreams along the wayside?

I offer individual coaching packages for just this. Let me help you in your journey to becoming the you that you have always meant to be. A complimentary call can be scheduled through my online calendar at www.calendly.com/denisestyer.

Let’s work towards each for equal and include yourself in this.  It’s your time.