Failing Forward!

Fail?! Did I just suggest you fail? Well…yes, and no

Our society has done a great job teaching us that failure is bad. We are taught to do whatever we can, at whatever cost, to NOT fail.

But…is failing really all that bad?

Answer: no, it's not. Let me explain

What is exactly failure? (And I'm not meaning the dictionary definition!)

Failure is just that you tried something that didn't work out. It is a GOOD thing

Why? Because you stepped out of your comfort zone and tried something new!

Just because it didn't work out as planned, you collected data.

1st - you tried something new ~ celebrate you for doing so! 🥳

2nd - so you didn't get the results you had hoped to. Consider this draft #1, not the be all and all final version (this can be difficult for perfectionists and recovering perfectionists, 🙋🏻‍♀️)

3rd - tweak what didn't work and try again (also known as PIVOT!)

4th - repeat the above steps and keep revising, tweaking, pivoting until you get to the point where you are satisfied where things are going or you wish to no longer pursue it

The thing is, if you hadn't tried this, you would've never known if it was for you, if it would work as you wished, and/or if you actually liked it.

Failing isn't bad - it's attempting to do something differently and assessing if you are liking the results. While it can seem personal (especially if you were emotionally invested and had your heart set on it), it isn't. It is a trial run on something new.

So, fail forward! Meaning, take action, try something new, assess the results, pivot, and try again. Keep going!

You in?

If this is a block for you that you struggle with, I can help you with failing forward. The link to my calendar is:

P.S. ~ Have you yet joined my new community over on I would love to have you be part of my community. Truth be told, I am still in the process of figuring out “the best” way to put it together so there will be changes, but my mission, goal, and desire is to create an inspiring, welcoming, and safe community for women. It is free to join. Here is the link to join: If you have questions, please reach out to me at